Christmas Eve in 2016 will double up as “Panic Saturday” for the first time in five years.

Panic Saturday – which is known as Super Saturday in the USA – is the last Saturday before Christmas Day, when customers traditionally charge to shopping centres in search of last minute presents.

This year, assuming no-one will be delivering early on Xmas Day, it will be far too late for shoppers to buy anything online and have it delivered in time for Santa’s arrival.

That means this year is set to see many hundreds of thousands of desperate shoppers descend on the big regional centres in the annual hunt for last minute presents.


Technology entrepreneur Fredi Nonyelu, of Briteyellow, said: “The large shopping centres will be absolutely heaving with people who are anxious to find the best presents and bargains for their loved ones.


“A large percentage may also be people who do not visit shopping centres very often, who will be more anxious because they are struggling to find what they are looking for. At this time of the year, although the tills are ringing, shopping centre managers are risking that their customers will leave after a less than perfect experience of their venues.”


One of the biggest issues, as revealed by Briteyellow research earlier this year is in navigating around very large indoor venues. Customers find it difficult to use 2D maps, which is easy to understand as they exist in a 3D world.


Briteyellow, which provides interactive 3D positioning and navigation systems for way-finding and discovery, and cloud managed Wi-Fi and analytics for high footfall venues, has a solution and it is a platform called BriteLocate3D.


BriteLocate3D is a 3D indoor GPS platform that helps end users to find their way more easily inside buildings or places where GPS does not work accurately such as shopping malls, airports, museums.


Fredi added: “BriteLocate3D uses 3D virtual and augmented reality on a smartphone to guide people to discover indoor places and things.


“This saves time as the user gets around more efficiently, reduces stress, increases productivity, and enhances their experience of the venue.”


The platform also gives building managers better 3D information about usage of venues, and is also a great way for users to collect loyalty rewards and incentives.


For more about how indoor location and positioning systems can help retailers, visit:


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